Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Veganism on TODAY

veganism on TODAY |
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Yesterday, this segment about veganism aired on TODAY as part of their series about "diet trends."

Now, don't get me wrong, I think it's awesome that TODAY showcased veganism! Really, I do. But I can't help feeling like they missed the mark a little bit.

I'll take a pass on the whole veganism-as-a-diet-"trend" part, but there are a few other points that I'd like to take a moment to address:
  1. You *do not* have to "go out of your way" to make sure you're getting enough protein. There is protein in practically everything, including beans, nuts, and especially meat substitutes. Also, Americans are largely over-proteinated.
  2. B12 does not come exclusively from animal sources, that's why you can find vegan B12 supplements! The easiest way to make sure you're getting all your vitamins (including B12) is by taking a vegan multivitamin every day. Actually, I think just about everybody should probably take a multivitamin. Don't assume that a non-vegan diet is any healthier than a vegan diet, or that it guarantees you're getting all your vitamins and minerals!
  3. There is so much more to vegan food than just hummus and stir-fry. I'm really disappointed that they didn't use this opportunity to showcase some of the more enticing vegan meal options available. I'm a big fan of the expression, "Anything you can eat I can eat vegan!"
  4. Sorry if I'm bursting anyone's bubble here, but not all wines, beers, and liquors are vegan. is a great resource for determining what is and isn't.
All that aside, this clip is a really great introduction to veganism, especially for those who might be confused about what "vegan" means. It would be a great resource to share with friends and family members who are having trouble wrapping their brain around your veganism, this is probably the perfect thing to send their way.

Or, if you're not a vegan or vegetarian but you have a vegan in your life, I HIGHLY recommend giving it a watch.

TODAY, I have a simple suggestion for you: next time, have your segment about veganism be presented by an actual vegan. :)

I assure you, nobody rocks at explaining how to be vegan quite like us vegans!

Russell Simmons shows Al Roker the perks of a vegan diet - The TODAY Show |
screenshot from

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