Glossary of Vegan-Related Terms

Here is a glossary of terms you might find helpful while browsing Vegan in VA. All of the following definitions are from the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, because it’s my favorite. If there’s a word you think I should add to this list, click here to let me know!

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Lacto-ovo Vegetarian or Ovo-lacto Vegetarian - “a vegetarian whose diet includes dairy products, eggs, vegetables, fruits, grains, and nuts” [Source]
In the US (and some other countries), “lacto-ovo vegetarian” and “ovo-lacto vegetarian” are synonymous with “vegetarian.” 
Lacto-vegetarian - “a vegetarian whose diet includes dairy products, vegetables, fruits, grains, and nuts” [Source]

Pescatarian - “one whose diet includes fish but no other meat” [Source]
Pescatarians may also eat seafood.

Seitan - “flavored wheat gluten often used as a meat analogue” [Source]

Tempeh - “an Asian food that is made from fermented soybeans” [Source] Tofu - “a soft, white food made from soybeans and often used in vegetarian cooking instead of meat” [Source]

Vegan - “a person who does not eat any food that comes from animals and who often also does not use animal products (such as leather)” [Source] A more comprehensive definition is available on the Vegan Society’s website. Vegetarian - “a person who does not eat meat” [Source]