

Please be aware that this blog is meant to be informative entertainment. I am not a doctor, nurse, nutritionist, dietician, veterinarian, therapist, or any other type of trained medical professional. I am not an accountant or financial expert. I am not a personal trainer. I am not a chef. I am simply a woman who is interested in vegan life and diet, healthy living, and running my home efficiently—or at least trying to. The only things I’m an expert at are Gilmore Girls trivia and the strange habits of my cat. I strive to provide my readers with the best information possible, but I will almost certainly screw up at some point (it happens to the best of us). I am not to be held responsible for any negative consequences that result from following my advice, even in cases of omissions or mistakes. I will provide no compensation of any sort if something bad comes from your use of this blog.

Any views expressed here are mine and mine alone. I do not speak for any company, organization, or group. I do not engage in paid recommendations. Any positive reviews or other comments about products, services, companies, organizations, etc. are strictly my own thoughts and opinions and not input that I was paid to provide. However, I would be open to sponsored posts about products and services that I already (and genuinely) like and use. Contact me at VeganinVA@gmail.com to discuss sponsoring a post.


Your trust is of utmost importance, so Vegan in VA will never EVER share your personal information with anyone. Promise!


Unless otherwise indicated, all content of Vegan in VA belongs to me, Shari G. (Yay for rhymes!) Please feel free to share links to blog posts. You may quote small portions of posts (up to one paragraph) as long as you give me credit AND link to the original post. (If you use my content, let me know so I can spread the word!) Want to use more than a paragraph? Click here to ask for permission to use Vegan in VA blog content. Remember: plagiarism sucks. Don’t be that guy/gal.


I may correct or update past blog posts. I will note significant changes to content, however I am under no obligation to indicate corrections of spelling, grammar, or other similar errors.

I have, on occasion, changed my mind about things. Example: I used to think asparagus was
gross, but now I love it. Things change, and that includes my opinions. The danger of blogging is that my opinions will be on display for all to see. So, if you notice that my opinion about something changes over time, remember that it’s natural. It just means that I’m learning new things and evolving as a personthank goodness!


I’d love to hear your thoughts! Please feel free to share questions, comments, stories, recipes, or whatever else crosses your beautiful mind in the comments section. But don’t be rude, obscene, abusive, or otherwise offensive. I reserve the right to delete any comment for any reason. If I deem it inappropriate, it’s gone. This blog is not a place for hate or harassment. It’s also not the place for spam. Feel free to include a link to your own blog if you’re leaving a legit comment, but don’t be a spammer (I will see through BS, so don’t waste my time or yours). In short: play nice, y’all. It’s all about love.

Emails and Other Messages:

Want to email me? Cool beans! You can reach me at VeganinVA@gmail.com. I will do my best to respond to all legitimate (read: not spammy or otherwise inappropriate) emails and messages received through social media. Please note that, while I will never share your personal information, I reserve the right to use the content of your message in future posts, etc.

Offensive & Explicit Content:

Me: I am known to be a bit of a cusser. *shrug* It’s just who I am. I’ll try to reign it in here on Vegan in VA, but—fair warning—it’s probably going to slip out on occasion. That being said, the content of this blog (even the cussing) is not intended to offend anyone. Seeing as how visiting a blog (including this one) is a choice that one makes voluntarily, I am not responsible if you happen to be offended by the content of Vegan in VA. Don’t like what I have to say? No problem, there’s the whole rest of the web out there where you can hang out instead.

You: Do not share explicit content in comments on the Vegan in VA blog, in emails to Vegan in VA, or on Vegan in VA's social media pages. Explicit content includes text and images that are rude, obscene, abusive, graphic, violent, pornographic, hateful, harassing/threatening, or otherwise offensive as determined by me. I reserve the right to delete any comment for any reason. I also reserve the right to report any explicit content to the relevant authorities if appropriate.